It's a universal constant, a fact of nature, an unbreakable rule, that nothing sticks to Tefelon, especially at 75mph.
In hindsight, I should have scrapped off the Teflon on the concave side of the pizza pans before bonding them to the original snap-on hubcaps. I should have let the adhesive set up longer too.
On my first high-speed run, well. Let's just say that after being spun up to twice the speed of death, Teflon pizza pans will roll on their side for a good 200 meters straight, ringing like a bell the whole time, before they cross 4 lanes of traffic and ditch into the weeds; Or hit a bump and fly over a sound wall. I don't want to talk about it anymore.
I bought some regular $3.48 metal pizza pans and glued them on. They hold tight and look pretty good too.