Rice and beans store for 10-15 years. 1/25/2015: I recently just leaned that you can pressure cook beans in jars. It takes just as long to process 7 quarts of beans as it does 1 quart, so do a bunch all at once and you'll have enough beans to last you for months.
If you have the room for an extra appliance, a rice cooker makes preparing whole grain rice super fast and easy.
Sugar stores for 3-5 years. Sugar may get clumpy after a year or so. The key is to keep it in a cool, dry place. Better yet, only store what you will consume in 1-2 years.
Morning Moos Milk stores for 1-3 years. 1/25/2015: We used to drink Morning Moos exclusively but have started buying regular milk about 25% of the time. It makes better quality yogurt. Morning Moos is still our go to milk when the regular milk runs out.
The Purpose of Food Storage:
Just because a grain or bean can be stored for decades doesn't mean you should store it for that long. The idea here is to eat what you store. Make it a part of your everyday diet.
About every 6 months to a year, we inventory our food storage and replenish what we have already eaten. On these occasions, we buy about 200-450 lbs of grain, sugar, milk and beans. It costs about $250 to replenish the supply.
In this way, we always have a 2-year supply of food that is still nutritious, healthy and tasty.