This worked great and I was making great time too but after 42 miles, I began to notice my voltage was getting lower than it should at this stage of the trip. I pulled off at a Maverick gas station to let the batteries rest. Ironic place to stop huh?
I then embarked up the hill heading toward Camp Williams. The hill took a steep toll on the batteries. They were about dead as I creeped over the top and coasted back down the other side. I drove another 5-7 miles before admitting defeat. I asked permission to plug in at a local gas station. After 3 cents worth of electricity for the battery charge and a fruity pie for my belly, I was back on the road. As I approached the last hill and its nearly 1000 foot elevation climb, I knew that my truck was not going to go the distance. Fearing that neighbors with plug sockets were too few and far between, I pulled off by a barn on the side of the road. I asked the owner for a charge. He was a very kind farmer that thought my truck was the coolest thing ever. He insisted that I pull into his garage and plug into the 240V outlet in the laundry room. After 30 minutes, I figured I had enough to get me over the hill and I was back on my way. I made it to the top of the hill and over, down to Ben’s house without any more incidents.
Ben and I hung out for the day, catching up, talking about old times, eating and watching Netflix as my truck charged back up.
On the way home, I was extremely concerned about my battery range. I planned out a couple locations where I could pull over and charge up if the need arose.
This time, I stuck to my self-imposed speed limit of 50-55 mph. Remembering the morning problems I had, I was nervous. My fears were in vain because I made it home with range to spare. Nice!